Guide for Developing Restorative Justice Programs in Alberta
Considering starting a Restorative Justice program in your community?
Thinking about enhancing your existing program? ARJA can help!
Serving Crime Victims through Restorative Justice Guide
A resource guide for leaders and practitioners addressing victims and restorative justice.
See a webinar on the guide hosted by
Aaron Lyons and Alan Edwards.
Alberta Framework for the Practice of Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters
This framework was created and is intended as a resource to support the practice of Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters in Alberta.
The United Nations Handbook on Restorative Justice 2nd Edition
Changing Lenses - A new focus for Crime and Justice
Howard Zehr
Crime victims have many needs, most of which our criminal justice system ignores. In fact, the justice system often increases the injury. Offenders are less ignored by this system, but their real needs—for accountability, for closure, for healing—are also left unaddressed. Such failures are not accidental, but are inherent in the very definitions and assumptions which govern our thinking about crime and justice. Howard Zehr proposes a "restorative" model which is more consistent with experience, with the past, and with the biblical tradition. Based on the needs of victims and offenders, he takes into account recent studies and biblical principles. This is the third edition of Changing Lenses, with a new Afterword by the author.
Restoring Justice - An Introduction to Restorative Justice
Howard Zehr
Restoring Justice: An Introduction to Restorative Justice offers a clear and convincing explanation of restorative justice, a movement within criminal justice with growing worldwide influence. It explores the broad appeal of this new vision and offers a brief history of its development. The book presents a theoretical foundation for the principles and values of restorative justice and develops its four cornerpost ideas of encounter, amends, inclusion and reintegration. After exploring how restorative justice ideas and values may be integrated into policy and practice, it presents a series of key issues commonly raised about restorative justice, summarizing various perspectives on each.
Doing Democracy with Circles
Jennifer Ball, Wayne Caldwell, and Kay Pranis
Planning what will happen in a community involves bringing together many different perspectives, so that planners can make informed decisions. Whether the concern is land use, the environment, or social issues, the planning process provides a framework for discussing the complex issues involved with change. The goal is to make decisions that lead to a desirable future—one that everyone can embrace.
Crime, Shame and Reintegration
John Braithwaite
This book, a contribution to general criminological theory, suggests that the key to why some societies have higher crime rates than others lies in the way different cultures go about the social process of shaming wrongdoers. Shaming can be counterproductive, making crime problems worse. But when shaming is done within a cultural context of respect for the offender, it can be extraordinarily powerful, efficient, and just form of social control.